Product details:
GTS Elite Sit-On-Top Kayak Seat – With deep moulded centre panels contrasting with the surrounding black padding, the GTS Elite Sit-On-Top Kayak Seat looks like it belongs in a high-end sports car rather than a kayak. The sculpted, curving 18' tall backrest offers maximum high-back support. Durable fabric is laminated to the entire foam surface. There is no slack or ill-fitted fabric to shift or stress the seams. Punctures or gashes will not result in an ever-widening tear. This thermal compression moulding process allows the sturdy foam to be sculpted with ergonomic contours, ridges and water channels for increased comfort, better paddling posture, and effective drainage to direct excess cockpit water to the scupper holes. Four brass connector clips provide a secure connexion to your sit-on-top's accessory eyelets, and adjustable webbing lets you customise the GTS Elite Sit-On-Top Kayak Seat for ultimate comfort.